Thursday 2 August 2012

My weekend

Okay okay, so I have not been too great with this so far.......sooorrrrreeeee!!

But I am hoping to make it up to you my lovelies!

I had a jam packed weekend last Princess was invited to her first ever Birthday party (Happy Birthday James!!) and had a great time playing with her friends on a bouncy castle, trampoline and paddling was lovely to sit and chat with the other end Mums and find out more about my new home town!
Although everyone around me seemed to be pregnant....making me tres broody!! But alas - no can do without a man.......and my heart still belongs to a certain officer of the law........ :(

Then met up with my GORGEOUS looking friend Vic at the lovely Boat House for a much needed girly catch up whilst Princess played some more in the little play area they have......its the first time I have taken her somewhere like that and it was GREAT !!
It was about 11pm when Vic managed to talk me into going out..............................
So I got all dressed up in a sexy black number and teetered into town in my zebra print heels!!!

So where do I get the balls from to walk into Halo on a Saturday night on my OWN.....and...stone cold SOBER??!!!

But I cannot complain - it was a good night!!  And as usual the beats in Ghost kept my hips moving.......

Up at 7am on Sunday and off to Wells Next The Sea with my BFF and her 2!!!!
What a lovely little place...........
my only grudge was that the nearest fish and chips place was a mile away from the beach..........People of Wells.....WHY?????

All in all a fun filled weekend that pooped me out!!!

Now........I just need to line up some dates and report back on those........

PS - am so saving up for the new undies range at Ann Summers.......ohhhhh my!!!!!

Will write soon, until then Bee Fabulous my Honey Beeeeez!!!
